Welcome To Lion Group Training Center

Safety In The Sky Begin From The Ground

Institution of excellence in aviation training which driven by a dedicated team, promoting safety and providing professional client-oriented service

Welcome To Lion Group Training Center

The Highest Standards In Aviation Training

Its all to do with the training : You can do a lot if you are properly trained

Welcome To Lion Group Training Center

We Will Help You To Learn

we are constantly emphasizing to people that they need to address anything that affect flights safety or mission succes. many path way to do that, we need to understand better what may be preventing people from using those path ways

About LGTC

Lion Group Training Center was established January 29, 2016, which previously was Lion Training Center.Under the auspices of the Lion Group, Angkasa Training Center which is equipped with facilities of international standards learning, teachers are professional and comfortable environment, also prioritize service, conformace, safe and secure have delivered many best graduates.Lion Group Training Center ready to compete with the world to create quality human resources in regional and international flights.









Our Features

Lion Group Training Center provide quality training to make best graduates in aviation world

Proffesional Course

Lion Group Training Center is the flight training center that provides professional training , based on international standards and equipped with sufficient facilities . The learning process with a varie

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Expert Instructors

Lion Group Training Center provide quality training that is delivered by team of skilled, innovative, committed, and compassionate personnel.

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E Learning

Training activities in the Lion Group Training Center uses computer systems and internet.Lion Group Training Center is equipped with E learning , E learning can help the participants in the learning process

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Audio Lesson

Lion Group Training Center is equipped with a multimedia laboratory that can be used trainee in the learning process through audio learning, this training can help the participants in the learning proce

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Video Lesson

Lion Group Training Center is equipped with a multimedia laboratory that can be used trainee in the learning process through video learning, this training can help the participants in the learning proce

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Proffesional Sertificate

Training activities in the Lion Group Training Center has a certificate , the certificate is used to maintain the authenticity and legality of the training activities . Participants who had the training

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